Qualification Exam


The objectives of the Qualification Exam are (1) to assess the candidate's knowledge and scientific maturity in his/her area of ​​research and (2) to discuss the progress of the research with professionals in the area. The exam comprises the elaboration of a text that will serve as the basis for an oral presentation (40-60 min), followed by questioning by an Examining Committee composed of three members.

It is expected that, in the text and in the oral presentation, the candidate's research topic will be placed in a broader theoretical context. Naturally, the final part of the contextualization is expected to be the candidate's PhD project (or some specific part of the project), which should present its objectives, basic methodology and, ideally, part of the results. obtained so far.

During the oral presentation and questioning, the Examining Committee must assess the candidate's knowledge and scientific maturity, considering the level of a doctoral course. At its discretion, the Examining Committee may also provide suggestions aimed at contributing to the improvement of the research in progress.

To learn more about our Qualifying Exam, we recommend that you attend PPG-Zoology's peer exams. You can check which qualification exams are scheduled for each month at this link (search for the PPG-Zoologia exams): https://pos.ib.usp.br/listas/qualificacoes-do-mes.html.

Rules and inscriptions:

The Qualifying Exam is required in Doctoral and Direct Doctorate courses. The exam will consist of the delivery of a basic text that must support an oral presentation of at least 40 minutes and, at most, 60 minutes, followed by an argument of up to 60 minutes by each of the members of the Examining Committee (composed of three members with minimum of Doctor). The supervisor and co-supervisor will not be part of the committee.

The student must register for the qualifying exam before the 24th month, counted from the initial enrollment in the course. The exam must be taken no later than 60 days after registration. For registration, the student must deliver to the CCP:

1. Completed and signed qualifying exam registration form.

2. PDF copy of a text, prepared by the candidate, on the topic to be addressed during the oral presentation. The text must contain a maximum of seven pages (except the title page, bibliographic citations and annexes, the latter limited to figures and tables essential for judging the exhibition; avoid a long list of annexes). Text spacing must be 1.5, margins of 2.5 cm, Times New Roman font size 12 with standard spacing between characters.

3. The CCP will compose the Examining Committee based on a list of six names suggested by the supervisor. The chairman of the board must be the program advisor.

The student who fails the qualifying exam may register to repeat it only once, and this new registration must be carried out within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after the first exam.