Information for Advisors
Rights and Duties of Advisors
The advisor accredited as full may guide up to 8 (eight) students. Additionally, you can co-orient up to 5 (five) students, as long as the sum of orientations and co-orientations does not exceed fifteen. The specific advisor will have its guidance linked to a single student.
All supervisors are responsible for guiding their students, from the formulation and/or reformulation of the dissertation/thesis project, project development, choice of subjects, preparation for the qualification exam, to writing the dissertation/thesis.
By accepting the guidance of a student, the advisor is also responsible for ensuring the infrastructure and resources necessary for the development of the project delivered by the student for registration in the entrance exam, and for evaluating the performance of their students through the monitoring/evaluation report .
All supervisors have the obligation to deliver, within the deadline, the annual scientific production reports requested by the Program Coordinating Committee – CCP and, as far as possible, comply with requests for opinions made by this committee.
All advisors must maintain quality scientific publication during the period of accreditation in the program, and full advisors must teach Graduate discipline at least twice during the four-year period.
Program Accreditation and Re-accreditation
Applications for accreditation and re-accreditation must be addressed to the program coordinator or to the CCP and delivered in PDF format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The CCP will justifiably manifest itself in relation to the request after consulting the rapporteurs.
Full Accreditation of Advisors
Accreditation as a full advisor is valid for a period of four years, and may be renewed. If there is no interest in renewing the accreditation or the re-accreditation is not approved, the advisor may complete the ongoing orientation.
For full accreditation of advisors, the following items will be required:
1a) Applicants for accreditation as a full advisor must submit at least 4 complete articles in qualified journals in the 4 upper strata of the Qualis (A) classification. A maximum of 2 articles can be replaced by production of books or book chapters according to the following equivalence: a maximum of 2 book chapters published by renowned national or international publishers; or a maximum of one complete book published by a renowned national or international publisher.
1b) Applicants for accreditation as a full advisor must submit, concurrently with their application for accreditation, a proposal for a Postgraduate course.
1c) The Coordinating Committee of the Program will manifest itself justifiably in relation to the request, after consulting the rapporteurs.
Re-accreditation of Advisors
For re-accreditation of advisors, the following items will be required:
2a) The request for re-accreditation will be sent to the Program Coordinator, and must contain the access address (URL) of the LATTES curriculum;
2b) The same criteria listed above for accreditation, in addition to those below;
2c) Among the 4 complete articles published in specialized journals classified in the 4 (four) upper strata of the Qualis classification, or books and book chapters published by renowned national or international publishers, at least one of these products has been published in co-authorship with a student (s) or graduate(s) from the program. This requirement does not apply to applicants applying for re-accreditation for the first time;
2d) It is required that the applicant for re-accreditation has offered and taught, at least twice in the last 4 years, a subject in our Graduate Program;
2e) The applicant must have been the main advisor of at least one master's or doctoral degree in the program in the last accreditation period;
2f) Applicants who do not submit annual activity reports – for inclusion in the Sucupira/CAPES system – and annual evaluation reports of their students' academic performance, required by the CCP, will not be re-accredited;
2g) The Coordinating Committee of the Program will manifest itself justifiably in relation to the request, after consulting the rapporteurs;
2h) Advisers who have been denied a request for accreditation based on items (2b), (2d), (2e) and (2f) are prohibited from requesting accreditation for a period of 6 (six) months.
Accreditation of Co-advisors
3a) The figure of the co-advisor is justified when there is a need for a theoretical and experimental contribution that complements the advisor for the development of the work.
3b) The accreditation of the co-advisor will be judged by the CCP after consulting the rapporteur.
3c) The deadline for the accreditation of co-advisor in the master's course will be 20 (twenty) months.
3d) The deadline for the accreditation of co-advisor in the doctoral course will be 33 (thirty-three) months.
3e) The deadline for the accreditation of co-advisor in the direct doctoral course will be 48 (forty-eight) months.
3f) Applicants for accreditation as co-advisor must submit at least 1 full article in qualified journals in the 4 upper strata of the Qualis (A) classification.
For accreditation as a co-advisor, the applicant must send, to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., a letter requesting accreditation as a co-advisor, with a brief justification of the contribution he will make in the co-supervision of the student project, updated Lattes curriculum and student project.
Specific Accreditation of Advisors
In requests for the accreditation of specific advisors, the following aspects must be observed:
4a) Applicants for accreditation as a specific advisor must present at least 2 complete articles in qualified journals in the 4 upper strata of the Qualis (A) classification.
4b) A maximum of 1 book chapter published by renowned national or international publishers may be considered by the committee as equivalent to one of the products specified in (4a).
4c) The applicant for accreditation as a specific advisor has no obligation to offer subjects in the program.
4d) The interested party must inform the current professional link, mentioning the duration of the link and research line.
4e) The Coordinating Committee of the Program will manifest itself justifiably in relation to the request, after consulting the rapporteur.
For accreditation as specific, the applicant must send, to the e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., a letter requesting specific accreditation, updated Lattes curriculum and the future student's project.
External advisors
Advisors outside of USP may apply for full or specific accreditation and must meet the same minimum criteria for full and specific accreditation specified above.
In the requests regarding the accreditation of external advisors to USP, including Young Researchers, Visiting Professors, Intern Researchers and others, the following aspects must also be observed:
5a) Detailed justification of the applicant regarding the innovative contribution of the project to the graduate program;
5b) Identification of the interested party's link (ex.: young researcher), mentioning the duration of the program and line of research;
5c) Demonstrate the existence of infrastructure (physical, material and/or equipment);
5d) Demonstrate the existence of resources to finance the proposed project for postgraduate guidance;
5e) Manifestation of a professor of the institution or supervisor, with the consent of the head of the department or equivalent, demonstrating agreement on the use of the space for the development of the requested orientation and maintenance of conditions for the execution of the graduate student's project;
5f) Curriculum vitae of the interested party, including, if applicable, the guidelines completed and in progress at USP and elsewhere;
5g) Demonstrate the interested party's functional status and institutional affiliation (if the interested party does not prove a stable institutional affiliation, the period of permanence at the USP institution must be at least 75% of the maximum period for filing the dissertation or thesis).